Morning talks by Rev.swami shitikantananda June 25,2024

 Morning talk by REV.Swami shitikantananda                                                        25.06.2024


 Subject: Is Life Beautiful?

continuation of the topic 

HE starts:

Nice morning beach sometimes sunshine sometimes cloudy right? nature is so beautiful but we miss that beauty because we are not paying attention today because we are lost in our own worries we have our troubles we are so preoccupied with our own worries and struggles and mundane struggles that we don't pay attention to god's creation such a beautiful right? and magnificent universe it is that we will be able to see it and enjoy it only when you have attention and focus, otherwise you just see it will give you constant joy provided you know how to look at it ,,we are so preoccupied with these immediate necessities of life we miss that great beauty of the creator, so today my topic is "life is beautiful" why I selected this topic is 4 days before a person sent me a message "smile, life is beautiful" smile life is beautiful but you don't see that smile on the faces of people right? very few people have that joyful and smiling face. Most of the people are worried some worry is there, children you see little little things will give so much of happy to them 4 year old kid we give small piece of chocolate like brahmananda the face will be you know immediately you just see the joy on the face of the child a small thing, the same piece of chocolate you give to a 25 year old man nonchalantly he will take right? may take but it doesn't give him the joy but for a kid oh it's like a gold

so the difference what makes the difference you know if you are happy with small things in life you can be joyful all the time that's actually secret of children's beauty. but children what happens afterwards they also lose that peace and joy on their faces once they are sent to school that happiness that joy evaporates now you have to do the homework everything start you have to compete with other students you have to get grades you have to get marks otherwise children are always happy so what it takes to make life beautiful?
you know our rishis have investigated into the nature of the universe what is that great secret that have revealed to us? The world is god's play that's the highest and greatest conclusion that they have arrived at but we take it too seriously and that's the reason we are long faced and moros, to be really happy but once you understand it is all leela(play) you are involved you are not entangled, you do the thing your role you have to do it this is all drama they said so in a drama you have been given a role sometimes villain role sometimes character artist sometimes hero it doesn't matter role is role right when we are watching a villain role we say that he wonderfully acted it okay? it's after all drama doesn't matter what role you have got how well you are playing your role that alone matters nothing else matters who is the director of this universe? God.

You see sometimes when we watch movie what happens you are so deeply engrossed in watching the movie right? so there is a tragedy scene unfolding there okay? you are so deeply engaged watching seriously so the scene is really a lot of tragedy and something happens to there to some character and lot of weeping is going on in the movie, you also weep right? you identify with the movie so deeply and you also weep why that happened because you have identified with the character there on the screen and movie that's made actually you also weep but suppose you are aware of the screen behind always it's only movie, what happens? you appreciate the genius of the director but if you forget that, okay the problem comes the scene is over the cinema is over lights are put off you see the screen now you understand screen alone is real cinemas come and go everyday every week some movie come and goes like that this world is a movie on the canvas called god. There is this ultimate consciousness behind this world of name and form is unreal god is behind us and behind everything, so we are playing our roles. 

so If you always have this idea in your mind that I am only playing my role this is all god's creation he is the director of the universe everything in the universe happens by his will,, we all have our goals our objectives our desires, some of the desires they will get fulfilled some of the desires won't get fulfilled definitely because god's will actually is the ultimate will things they don't happen according to our will there is a higher will mighty will because we are all playing our role how actually role has to unfold what we have to do at every moment actually decided by the lord when you have this memory when we have this remembrance and understanding that it's all play everything happens in the world by the will of the lord it doesn't mean we don't make our effort we make our effort but when you forget the god actually oh I have worked this much you know I have put in this much of effort then you get disappointed but you understand things will happen by the will of the lord I only have the right to work, you have this kind of understanding awareness you will never get affected by the problems and sufferings of the world then life truly becomes beautiful for you we don't always want comedy sometimes tragedy sometimes suspense our life is also like that every scene gets unfold one after another so when you understand this drama it won't affect you but if you forget that it is drama it's play the Leela of the lord, suffering comes to us.

This is the thing we have to understand things don't happen by our own will things happen according to the will of the lord this is called surrender in the philosophy in Vedanta when they remember this it truly turns beautiful for them okay. Thank you have a nice day.


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