Speech by Rev.swami shitikantananda 05/07/2024

SPEECH by Rev.Swami shitikantananda                                                                    05/07/2024

Topic: "Life is a trail!"

smamiji stars:

good morning;shubhodhayam


In this hell of a world, He(Vivekananda) saw world as a kind of hell.Every great person saw it like that, Buddha, he felt world is on fire, so Swamiji(Vivekananda) is saying here, in this hell of a world if we can bring joy for a day to the heart of a single person, that alone is true, everything else is moonshine, that alone is religion, okay? that's why Swamiji started this organization, service to man is service to god, you don't behave well with your fellow human beings, but you go to a temple far of distance and think that actually you are able to please the lord, the greatest manifestation and expression of the divine is through human beings, it's okay to worship the lord through idol or image, the guru Sri ramakrishna paramahamsa himself had worshipped the divine in the form of an image, it's okay, but if you think god is only in a image, there only I can see god I can't see god in fellow human beings, your religion is very primitive, is rudimentary, you are still in the kindergarten of religion, God has not given me enough, we think that our Neighbour is happy, that's a temptation you succumb to, No, everybody has his own suffering, every body has his own problem, every body has his own burden, one thing actually problems are not really big but, we are small, our thinking is small, it's your thinking which makes the problem difficult, not actually peoblem as such, not that actually the problem is really big, because we think that we are weak, we think that we are incapable, we think we don't have the capacity, the problem becomes bigger, it's relative, I can face any challenge in my life, I can face any hardship I have the strength in me to solve this problem, then the problem becomes small.so I want you to watch this video one young women by name Muniba Mazari, a pakistani lady ted talk is there and also on english speeches also speech is there an 18 min speech, ted talk is about 10 min so you will get enough inspiration but somebody is cripping and wining all the time somebody is not happy with himself or herself curses even god so, god also likes only joyful people, you it's very important that you keep yourself in joyful mood and joyful state all the time

see, we all actually lead life in such a way that we postpone our happiness for tomorrow, so you will never be happy, so mind always be won't be happy with what it has, you will get cheated by the mind repeatedly and always you keep yourself in moros and dejected mood and state thinking that my happiness will be tomorrrow, no no no no the present moment is the best moment, somebody who is always happy in the present is always happy somebody who is not happy in the moment and postpone his or her happiness for tomorrow he or she will never get the tomorrow so, I want you to watch this video of Muniba Mazari you will get enough inspiration that is actually the wonderful video that I have seen in recent years in youtube the lady acutally scripted a scripture out of her own life I don't have time to narrate the whole story you listen from her own words her life story, every statement that she has made has come from bottom of her soul then again happiness will come into your life god has given you so much you are not aware of it she says the same thing you dont know what god has given you look at my life and then you will understand it ok Thank you have a nice day


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