Evening Talk by Rev.swami shitikantananda June 25,2024

 Evening talk by Rev.swami shitikantananda                                                            25.06.24

Subject: Is life beautiful?

Continuation of the topic 

HE starts:

Good evening, my topic for today "is life beautiful?" four days back I received a WhatsApp share where, somebody sent me a message saying "smile life is beautiful" okay? is it really beautiful? what it takes to make life beautiful? (someone in the audience: To reach our goal) No, one goal you reach and set another goal so between goal and goal you will have only misery only when you reach goal you are happy then again you set another goal. Have you seen any contented person in the world somebody who is happy who says fulfilled I don't need anything from this world, I have had enough! hm. very rare right?

Everybody is working for something else what goal you have set now there are so many people who have already achieved that goal you go and ask them are you happy? are you peaceful? are you joyful? are you on cloud 9? No, They have their worries they have some other goal. You think the richest man in the happiest hm? richest man in the world is he the happiest person? No, He has so many worries he has a big business empire and he has to conduct that right? he has to expand his business he has to you know face competition with his rivals ,No, what I am saying is what it takes to make life beautiful you know as a kid we all life was really beautiful you just see a small child small thing will make him happy you give 4 year old kid a chocolate he is on cloud 9 for young adults to make you happy many things are needed it's not easy to make you happy to bring that smile on your face you know as kids actually children actually they smile for no reason when you grow into adulthood you need reason to smile yes or no? what happens to smile on our face you know put up this long face Moros, because you have goals to achieve you think after you achieve that goal you will be happy, I will just tell you the world is always a mixture of good and bad, you will have some successes and some failures in life. There won't be any person who will have only successes all the time okay? not everything that we aspire not everything that we desire we get some we will get some we will not get yes or no? sometimes we become successful sometimes we become failure it doesn't matter both experiences teach us lessons of life Vivekananda would say again and again more than the successes it's the misery that teaches human beings more , we get valuable lessons from failures only, misery definitely teaches us more than happiness and joy anyway that's how lord as created this world so for us actually to make life beautiful we have to understand the nature of the creation you know Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa people never found him Moros or long faced , always he was in a kind of bliss (Ananda) people could see on his face what made him radiate that bliss and joy practically he had nothing, in terms of physical position no money no power right? nothing was there with him but he was always joyful you know we have to understand that this world is not our creation we are not running it we are not conducting the affairs of the world there is a higher power there is a higher will which is driving the destinies of all the creatures on the planet earth he is running the universe because it is his creation and it is his job to run it you and I don't have to break the head you take the responsibility of your own family and your immediate necessities of life don't think too much about the world saying that what is going to happen in the world you have not created it I have not created it.

The person who have created it will take care of it don't worry don't take the entire responsibility of the world on your head you will go crazy you will not be able to solve those problems but you will go mad so don't think too much about the society how it's going on how I can conduct okay? what is my goal how can I achieve you think on that you know people like Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa were joyful because they could see the divine hand in everything, in a sense everything happens by the will of the lord okay? when you have this kind of surrender you will have no suffering because we won't surrender things have not happened my way things have not happened the will I wanted them to happen okay? things that I desired have not come to me it happens according to the will of the lord if you have this understanding, you will not suffer, okay? You have to have this understanding what is that? Everything that happens in my that happens for ultimate good, at that moment you won't feel that it happened for good but afterwards you will understand you will realize that it has happened for your ultimate good something like ultimate good, but we have only short-term good into consideration we will only see that there is something like ultimate objective.

Every miserable uh experience in our life okay? every so called set-back every so called failure has a meaning in it, it teaches us a valuable lesson of life that point of time you don't understand oh I have become failure my friend have become successful okay? my cousin has become successful only I have become a failure you take a lot of suffering no! no! no! He will have his share of suffering we will have our share of suffering okay? through suffering also lot of knowledge we gain we think we reflect on the nature of the existence once we have this surrender everything happens in my life happens for ultimate good and everything happens in this universe by the will of the lord so your will and my will things will not happen and yet actually we put in the best of the efforts and then afterwards drop what will happen result you don't actually focus on it comes by the will of the lord there is a mighty will there is a supreme will which actually guides the destinies of all the wills once you have this understanding once you see the you know this world is a great play, drama of the lord, you forget that the world gives you tremendous suffering always actually understand that this universe has a director the director is god and things will happen by his will not by your will and my will okay you can have goals we'll have goals we'll have aims we'll have objectives some of them will get fulfilled they will happen according to our will but those things which don't happen the way we want them to happen or the way we wish them to happen but don't worry actually that happened by the will of the lord that is also for your ultimate good that failure also is for your ultimate good if you understand this there is no suffering for you and the result of it will be you will have a joyful and smiling face all the time then life is really beautiful.

once you have this understanding life turns beautiful if you don't have this understanding life sometimes turns ugly sometimes beautiful okay thank you have a nice day 


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